Welcome to your ACT 1 Alg: Find an equation of a line

$Q_{1}:$ If the slope of a line is $\frac{-7}{4}$ and a point on the line is $(4, 7)$, what is the equation of a line?

$Q_{2}:$ Which of the following is the equation of a line passing through the points $(−1, 4)$ and $(3, 8)$?

$Q_{3}:$ Give the equation of a line that travels through the point $(2,12)$ and has a slope of $3$.

$Q_{4}:$ What is the equation of a line that goes through the point $(2, 4)$ and has a slope of $8$?

$Q_{5}:$ The graph of a linear equation is shown on the diagram, what is the equation of the line ?

$Q_{6}:$ Which of the following is the equation of the line in point-slope form?

$Q_{7}:$ Which of the following is the equation of the line that passes through point $(4, -1)$ and has slope $−2 $?

$Q_{8}:$ Which of the following is the equation of the line $(t)$ in standard form?

$Q_{9}:$ Which of the following equations represents a line that passes through $( -5,1)$ and is parallel to the $y$- axis?

$Q_{10}:$Which of the following equations represents a line that passes through $(7,6)$ and is parallel to the $x$- axis?

$Q_{11}:$ Which of the following is the equation of the line in the figure?

$Q_{12}:$ What is the equation of the line that passes through $(1, –3)$ and $(5, 5)$?

$Q_{13}: 3y – 4x + 6 = 0 $ is the equation of a line. Determine the $y$-intercept of this line:

$Q_{14}:$ What is the equation of the line that passes through $(3, –3)$ and $(3, 3)$?

$Q_{15}:$ What is the equation of the line whose x- and y-intercepts are each 3?

$Q_{16}:$ Find the equation of the line in standard form containing the points S(6, −9) and R(−2, −5)?

$Q_{17}:$ Which of the following is the equation of a line passing through the points $(−0.5, 4.3)$ and $(4.9, 8.6)$?

$Q_{18}:$ Which of the following is the slope of a line has equation $y+3x-5=0$?

$Q_{19}:$ Which of the following point through the line has an equation $y-\frac{3}{5}x=9$?

$Q_{20}:$Which of the following equations has slope is $-2$?

$Q_{21}:$Which of the following equations through the point $(4,6)$?

$Q_{22}:$ The product of the slope of a given line and the slope of the perpendicular line is equal to

$Q_{23}:$ What is the form of the slope of the perpendicular line of $ax + by + c = 0 $

$Q_{24}:$ Let $y=ax+c$ is the equation of line through points $(2,5),(4,3)$, what is the value of $(a,c)$

$Q_{25}:$ What is the slope of a line perpendicular to the line $4x - 8y + 7 = 0$?
