Welcome to your ACT 1 Geo: Identify and make deductions

$Q_{1}:$ Given the equation of a locus in a plane: $x^{2}+y^{2}=25$, what can be deduced about the locus?

$Q_{2}:$ Given the equation of a locus in a plane: $x+y=8$, what geometric shape does this locus represent?

$Q_{3}:$ For the locus $y=2x$, what type of line does it represent?

$Q_{4}:$ If the equation of a locus is $ x−3=0$, what can be deduced about the locus?

$Q_{5}:$ Given the equation $x^{ 2} +y^{ 2} =16$, what does this locus represent?

$Q_{6}:$ For the locus $ y=3$, what type of shape does it represent in the coordinate plane?

$Q_{7}:$ Given the equation $∣x∣+∣y∣=6$, what is the locus's shape?

$Q_{8}:$ If the locus is defined by $y=x^{ 2}$ , what type of curve does it represent?

$Q_{9}:$ The equation $ x+y=10$ represents what type of locus in the plane?

$Q_{10}:$ Given the locus $x=−3$, what is the nature of this locus?

$Q_{11}:$ If the locus is described by $ ∣x∣−∣y∣=4$, what is the shape of this locus?

$Q_{12}:$ For the locus $y= \frac{1}{x} $, what type of curve does it represent?

$Q_{13}:$ Given the equation $x^{ 2} -y^{ 2} =9$, what geometric shape does this locus represent?

$Q_{14}:$ If the locus is defined by $y=\sqrt{x}$, what is the shape of this locus in the coordinate plane?

$Q_{15}:$ The equation $x^{ 2} +4y^{ 2} =16$ represents what type of locus in the plane?

$Q_{16}:$Given the equation $∣x∣+∣y∣=8$, what is the shape of this locus?

$Q_{17}:$ If the locus is described by $x^{ 2} +y^{ 2} =25$ , what geometric shape does it represent?

$Q_{18}:$ For the locus $y=\frac{x}{2}$, what type of line does it represent?

$Q_{19}:$ Given the equation $x^{ 2} +9y^{ 2} =36$ , what does this locus represent?

$Q_{20}:$ The equation $x^{ 2} -4y^{ 2} =1$ represents what type of locus in the plane?

$Q_{21}:$ If the locus is defined by $x^{ 2} +4y^{ 2} =4$, what geometric shape does it represent?

$Q_{22}:$ Given the locus $y=∣x∣$, what is the shape of this locus in the coordinate plane?

$Q_{23}:$ For the locus $y=−2x$, what type of line does it represent?

$Q_{24}:$ Given the equation $x ^{ 2} +y^{ 2} −6x+2y=0$, what can be deduced about the locus?

$Q_{25}:$ If the locus is described by $ ∣x∣+∣y∣=7$, what is the shape of this locus?
