Welcome to your ACT 1 Geo: Interpret a mathematical proof

$Q1:$ Which statement correctly interprets a proof by induction?

$Q_{2}:$ What is the purpose of a proof by contradiction?

$Q_{3}:$ In a mathematical proof, what does it mean to assume the negation of the statement being proved?

$Q_{4}:$ What is the role of a counterexample in a mathematical proof?

$Q_{5}:$ In a direct proof, what is the relationship between the premises and the conclusion?

$Q_{6}:$ Which type of proof often involves dividing a problem into smaller cases and proving each case separately?

$Q_{7}:$ What is the main goal of a proof by contrapositive?

$Q_{8}:$ What is the conclusion of a mathematical proof?

$Q_{9}:$ In a proof, what does it mean to show that two sets are equal?

$Q_{10}:$ Which type of mathematical proof typically begins with an assumption and follows a sequence of logical steps to reach a conclusion?

$Q_{11}:$ What is the primary purpose of a proof by exhaustion?

$Q_{12}:$ In a mathematical proof, what does it mean to use a proof by example?

$Q_{13}:$ What is the primary purpose of a proof by induction?

$Q_{14}:$ In a mathematical proof, what is the role of logical reasoning?

$Q_{15}:$ Which type of proof relies on showing that the statement is true for some specific cases and then making a general conclusion?

$Q_{16}:$ In a mathematical proof, what is the role of the hypothesis or assumptions?

$Q_{17}:$ What is the primary goal of a proof by contradiction?

$Q_{18}:$ Which type of proof typically begins with the statement being proved and then deduces a series of consequences until a known truth is reached?

$Q_{19}:$ In a proof by contrapositive, what is the statement that is negated?

$Q_{20}:$ What is the primary goal of a proof by example?

$Q_{21}:$ In a direct proof, what is the role of the premises?

$Q_{22}:$ What is the primary purpose of a proof by exhaustion?

$Q_{23}:$ In a mathematical proof, what is the role of the counterexample?

$Q_{24}:$ What is the main goal of a proof by induction?

$Q_{25}:$ In a proof by contrapositive, what is the role of the original statement being proved?
