ACT 1 Alg: Evaluate functions at a given values

Welcome to your ACT 1 Alg: Evaluate functions at a given values

$Q_{1}:$ What is the value of $3x^{2}-7$ when $x=-5$?

$Q_{2}:$ What is the value of $\frac{a^{2}-b^{2}}{a-b}$ when $a = –5.3$ and $b = 3.5$?

$Q_{3}:$ What is the value of $2^{x}-7$ when $x=0$?

$Q_{4}:$ If $f(x)=-2x^{2}-2x-2$, what is $f(-3)$?

$Q_{5}:$ If $f(x)=-3x^{3}-3\sqrt[3]{x}$, what is the value of $f(-8)$?

$Q_{6}:$ If $f(x)=\sqrt[3]{x+7}-7$, what is $f(-15)$?

$Q_{7}:$ If $w = 2$, then what is the value of $(w – 3)(w^{ 2} – 3)$?

$Q_{8}:$ If $f (x) = x^{ 2} – 5$ and $g (x) = x^{ 2} + 5$, what is the value of $f (g (5))$?

$Q_{9}:$ If $t = 4$, then what is the value of $\sqrt{-5+t}$?

$Q_{10}:$ If $h(x)=\frac{x-3}{5-x}$, what is the value of $f(0)$?

$Q_{11}:$ If $h(x)=x^{4}-x^{2}$ and $q(x)=x^{3}-3x^{2}+2x$, what is the value of $\frac{h(3)}{q(3)}$?

$Q_{12}:$ If $f(x)=x^{2}+10x+3$ and $g(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{x+22}}$, the value of $g(f(-4))$?

$Q_{13}:$ If $h(x)=\frac{x}{x+5}$, what is the value of $f(-5)$?

$Q_{14}:$ If $L(x)=\left\{\begin{matrix} 2 & x< 5 \\ 4 & x > 5 \end{matrix}\right.$, what is the value of $L(0)$?

$Q_{15}:$ If $r(x)=\left\{\begin{matrix} x^2 & x=0 \\ x-1 & x\neq 0 \end{matrix}\right.$, what is the value of $r(-1)$?

$Q_{16}:$ If $f(x)=x!$, what is the value of $f(4)$?

$Q_{17}:$ If $k(x)=\frac{(4x-5)(2x-1)}{(4x+5)(4x-5)}$, what is the value of $k(-0.5)$?

$Q_{18}:$ If $f(x)=\frac{x!}{(x+1)!}$, what is the value of $f(100)$?

$Q_{19}:$ If $f(x)=4$, what is the value of $f(-5)$?

$Q_{20}:$ What is the value of $Log_{x} 32$ when $x=2$?

$Q_{21}:$ What is the value of $Log_{3}x$ when $x=81$?

$Q_{22}:$ What is the value of $1^{2x}$ when $x=4$?

$Q_{23}:$ What is the value of $3^{-x}$ when $x=2$?

$Q_{24}:$ What is the value of $x^{5x}$ when $x=1$?

$Q_{25}:$ What is the value of $3x^{3}-3\sqrt[3]{x}+1$ when $x=0$?

$Q_{26}:$ If $L(x)=\left\{\begin{matrix} 2 & x< 5 \\ 4 & x > 5 \end{matrix}\right.$ what is the value of $L(5)$?


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