ACT 1 Alg: Interpret data representations

Welcome to your ACT 1 Alg: Interpret data representations

$Q_{1}:$ In the graph below which data set will have a median greater than the mean?

$Q_{2}:$ In figure below, the distribution is

$Q_{3}:$ In figure below, one of the following is true

$Q_{4}:$ A ............. shows the change in a certain data over a period of time. The time is always on the horizontal axis, and the variable measured is always on the vertical axis.

$Q_{5}:$ A ............. is useful in displaying frequency distributions that are similar to bar graphs, but they have a number line for the horizontal axis. Also, there are no spaces between the bars.

$Q_{6}:$ According to the graph below, College $R$ showed the greatest change in enrollment between which two decades?

$Q_{7}:$ The histogram above shows the distribution of the number of triples hit by $30$ major league baseball teams in a certain year. Which of the following could be the median number of triples represented in the histogram?

$Q_{8}:$ According to the graph below, what is the average rate of increase in enrollment per decade between $1950$ and $2000$?

$Q_{9}:$ Based on the histogram below, what is the average number of hours worked by the $20$ salespersons in Company $G$?

$Q_{10}:$ The following chart represents the final course grades for students in two math classes. What fraction of students in the courses received a final course grade of $A$ or $B$?

$Q_{11}:$ Based on the information in Figure below, fish from which species are most likely to survive prolonged exposure to bacteria?

$Q_{12}:$ Based on the information in Figure below, fish from which species are most likely to survive prolonged exposure to bacteria?

$Q_{13}:$ Each of the following is true EXCEPT:

$Q_{14}:$ Which of the following is true regarding the two lists of numbers shown in the table below?

$Q_{15}:$ The given bar graph shows the number of units sold per popcorn flavor in one morning at the local farmers market. For which two popcorn flavors is the ratio of the number of units sold $1:5$?

$Q_{16}:$ Rigo played $30$ frames of five-pin bowling. Based on the given histogram, what was Rigo’s average number of pins knocked down per frame?

$Q_{17}:$ The given table shows the bowling scores for $8$ teams. Based on the table, what is the mean score of the teams?

$Q_{18}:$ The given bar graph shows the average number of donated items per week at a thrift store for four categories. What is the positive difference between the median and the mean number of items donated per category?

$Q_{19}:$ Which of the following best represents the data (Grade, Number of Students)={(A,12), (B,8), (C,4), (D,2)}

$Q_{20}:$ The graph above shows the size (in square meters) of each house on Pine Street. How many houses on Pine Street have an area less than $150$ square meters?

$Q_{21}:$ The dotplot above shows the number of hours Kim worked each weekend since she started her new job. Each dot represents a different weekend. On what fraction of the weekends did Kim work at least $10$ hours?

$Q_{22}:$ If the slope of a regression line is positive, then the two variables have a

$Q_{23}:$ Which of the following is true?

$Q_{24}:$ The scatter plot above shows the average scores of $10$ golfers and their weekly practice times. The line of best fit is also shown. What is the average score of the golfer that is farthest from the line of best fit?

$Q_{24}:$ The scatter plot above shows the average scores of $10$ golfers and their weekly practice times. The line of best fit is also shown. There are two golfers whose average practice time is the same. What is the difference between their average scores?

$Q_{25}:$ The tables below give the distribution of ratings of two different laptops by $100$ people each. Which of the following is true about the data shown for the ratings of the two laptops?


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