Welcome to your ACT 1 Alg: Identify an approximate line of best fit

$Q_{1}:$ ............... is a mathematical diagram represented by a set of dots that display the relationship between two numerical variables.

$Q_{2}:$ If the slope of a regression line is negative, then the two variables have.............?

$Q_{3}:$ Which of the following is true?

$Q_{4}:$ Which of the following is true?

$Q_{5}:$ The scatter plot below shows the average scores of $10$ golfers and their weekly practice times. The line of best fit is also shown. What is the average score of the golfer that is farthest from the line of best fit?

$Q_{6}:$ The scatter plot below shows the average scores of $10$ golfers and their weekly practice times. The line of best fit is also shown. There are two golfers whose average practice time is the same. What is the difference between their average scores?

$Q_{7}:$ What is the median score of the $105, 104, 100, 99, 98, 96, 93, 90, 88, 86$ golfers?

$Q_{8}:$ According to the line of best fit in the scatter plot below, which of the following best approximate the year in which the number of cars repaired by Jay’s Motor was estimated to be $4500$?

$Q_{9}:$ One of the following sentences is false?

$Q_{10}:$ The scatter plot at the below shows the prices and weights of various boxed products. Of the five labeled products, which has the best unit price?

$Q_{11}:$ Which of the following is represent the graph below ?

$Q_{12}:$ The graph below is a scatter plot with $8$ points, each representing the low temperature and high temperature of 8 days in September in a certain city. Both the low temperatures and high temperatures are measured in degrees Fahrenheit. The line of best fit for the data is also shown. Based on the line of best fit for the data shown, how many degrees does the high temperature increase when the low temperature increases by one degree?

$Q_{13}:$ The graph below is a scatter plot with $8$ points, each representing the low temperature and high temperature of 8 days in September in a certain city. Both the low temperatures and high temperatures are measured in degrees Fahrenheit. The line of best fit for the data is also shown. What is the predicted high temperature of the day when the low temperature is $58$?

$Q_{14}:$ The graph below is a scatter plot with $8$ points, each representing the low temperature and high temperature of 8 days in September in a certain city. Both the low temperatures and high temperatures are measured in degrees Fahrenheit. The line of best fit for the data is also shown. Among the four days marked $1, 2, 3,$ and $4$ in the scatter plot, on which day is the difference between the high temperature and the low temperature minimal?

$Q_{15}:$ Which of the following is an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that is drawn ?

$Q_{16}:$ You have a scatterplot of data points and want to find an approximate line of best fit. What type of line should you draw through the data points to best represent the trend?

$Q_{17}:$ You are given a set of data points representing the relationship between the number of hours studied and the test scores of students. What type of line should you use as the best-fit line to make predictions about a student's test score based on their study hours? A) A curved line B) A wavy line C) A straight line D) A zigzag line

$Q_{18}:$ In a scatterplot, the data points appear to follow a straight-line pattern that slopes upward from left to right. What can you conclude about the relationship between the two variables?

$Q_{19}:$ You have data on the ages and heights of a group of children. You want to use a line of best fit to predict the height of a child based on their age. What type of relationship are you trying to model?

$Q_{20}:$ You have plotted data points on a graph and drawn a line of best fit. If a new data point falls significantly above the line, what can you infer?

$Q_{21}:$ In a scatterplot, you notice that the data points are widely dispersed and do not follow a clear linear trend. What type of line of best fit is most appropriate in this case?

$Q_{22}:$ You have plotted data points on a graph and drawn a line of best fit. The equation of the line is $ y=2x+3$. What does the coefficient of $x (2)$ represent in this equation?

$Q_{23}:$ You have data on the number of ice creams sold and the temperature on a particular day. The line of best fit through the data points has a negative slope. What can you conclude about the relationship between temperature and ice cream sales?

$Q_{24}:$ In a scatterplot, the data points are closely grouped around a straight-line pattern. What can you infer about the strength of the linear relationship?

$Q_{25}:$ You have data on the number of hours spent practicing a musical instrument and the level of proficiency achieved. You plot the data points and draw a line of best fit. What type of line would be most appropriate in this case to predict proficiency based on practice hours?
