Welcome to your ACT 1 Geo: Use inductive and deductive reasoning

$Q_{1}:$ Observation: Every student in the class wears glasses. Inductive conclusion: What can you infer?

$Q_{2}:$ Observation: Every time it rains, the streets get wet. Inductive conclusion: What can you infer?

$Q_{3}:$ Observation: Every morning, the bakery next door opens at 7:00 AM. Inductive conclusion: What can you infer?

$Q_{4}:$ Observation: All the dogs you've seen in the park are brown. Inductive conclusion: What can you infer?

$Q_{5}:$ Premise 1: All humans are mortal. Premise 2: Socrates is a human. Deductive conclusion: What can you infer?

$Q_{6}:$ Premise 1: If it's sunny, John goes for a run. Premise 2: Today is sunny. Deductive conclusion: What can you infer?

$Q_{7}:$ Premise 1: All cars in this parking lot are red. Premise 2: This car is in the parking lot. Deductive conclusion: What can you infer?

$Q_{8}:$ Premise 1: If you study hard, you'll pass the exam. Premise 2: Sarah passed the exam. Deductive conclusion: What can you infer?

$Q_{9}:$ If all mammals have hair, and a bat is a mammal, what can you deduce about bats?

$Q_{10}:$ If a square is a type of rectangle, and all rectangles have four right angles, what can you conclude about squares?

$Q_{11}:$ If all prime numbers are odd, and $2$ is not an odd number, what can you conclude about $2$?

$Q_{12}:$ Given that all apples are fruits and some fruits are red, what can you deduce about some apples?

$Q_{13}:$ If all right angles are congruent, and angle $A$ is a right angle, what can you conclude about angle $A$?

$Q_{14}:$ What comes next in the sequence: $3, 6, 12, 24, ...$?

$Q_{15}:$ In a bag of marbles, you draw out red, blue, and green marbles in that order. If this pattern repeats, what color will you draw next?

$Q_{16}:$ In a sequence of numbers, each number is twice the previous number. If the first number is $2$, what is the fifth number in the sequence?

$Q_{17}:$ In a series of geometric shapes, each shape has one more side than the previous one. The first shape has $4$ sides (a quadrilateral), the second has $5$ sides (a pentagon), the third has $6$ sides (a hexagon), and so on. What shape comes next?

$Q_{18}:$ If a pattern of colors in a sequence is blue, green, yellow, what color comes next?

$Q_{19}:$ The type of reasoning where a person makes conclusions based on observations and patterns is called...

$Q_{20}:$ Which number is a counterexample to the following statement? "All numbers that are divisible by $2$ are divisible by $4$".

$Q_{21}:$ Since all humans are mortal, and I am human, then I am mortal.

$Q_{22}:$ All cars have at least two doors. A Ford Focus is a car, so the Ford Focus has at least two doors.

$Q_{23}:$ Which of the following statements best describes inductive reasoning?

$Q_{24}:$ What is a potential limitation of inductive reasoning?

$Q_{25}:$ Which of the following examples represents an instance of inductive reasoning?

$Q_{26}:$ What is the primary characteristic of deductive reasoning?

$Q_{27}:$ Which statement best illustrates deductive reasoning?

$Q_{28}:$ In deductive reasoning, if the premises are true, what can you say about the conclusion?
