ACT 1 Alg: Manipulate radical and rational expressions

Welcome to your ACT 1 Alg: Manipulate radical and rational expressions

$Q_{1}:$ The symbol $\sqrt[n]{x}$ is called

$Q_{2}:$ The named of $X,Y,Z$ sequentially is

$Q_{3}:$ The set of solution of $(x-5)^{4}=16$ is

$Q_{4}:$ The set of solution of $z^{3}+1=-26$ is

$Q_{5}:$ Simplify $\sqrt{50} \sqrt{6}$

$Q_{6}:$ Simplify $\sqrt{18x^{2}y^{3}}$

$Q_{7}:$ Which of the following is equal to $\frac{1}{2-\sqrt{3}}$

$Q_{8}:$ Simplify $\sqrt{50}-\sqrt{18}+\sqrt{8}$

$Q_{9}:$ Simplify $(\sqrt{6}-\sqrt{2})(\sqrt{3}+1) $

$Q_{10}:$ Which of the following is equal to $F^{\frac{-n}{m}}$

$Q_{11}:$ If $(x+1)^{3}=-64$, what is the value of $x $?

$Q_{12}:$ Which of the following is equal to $Z^{\frac{5}{3}}$

$Q_{13}:$ Simplify $\frac{x^{2}-2x-8}{3x-6} . \frac{4x-8}{x-4}$

$Q_{14}:$ Simplify $\frac{2x^{2}-8}{4x+12} \div \frac{x+2}{x+3}$

$Q_{15}:$ Which of the following is equal to $\frac{2}{x^{2}}+ \frac{3}{2x}$

$Q_{16}:$ Simplify $x-\frac{x+1}{x-3}$

$Q_{17}:$ Which of the following is equal to $3\frac{3}{4}$ft $\div 6\frac{2}{3}$in

$Q_{18}:$ Simplify $\frac{ \frac{5x}{x-3}}{ \frac{15}{x^{2}-9} }$

$Q_{19}:$ If $n \neq 4$, which of the following is equivalent to $\frac{n^{2}}{n-4}+\frac{4n}{4-n}$?

$Q_{20}:$ If $c \neq \pm 1$, which of the following is equivalent to $\frac{c}{c^{2}-1}-\frac{1}{c+1}$?

$Q_{21}:$ If $x \neq -1$ and $x \neq 0$, which of the following is equivalent to $\frac{x^{2}-1}{ 1+\frac{1}{x}}$?

$Q_{22}:$ If $\frac{x^{2}-xy}{2x} \div \frac{x-y}{3x^{2}}=ax^{2}$, what is the value of $a $?

$Q_{23}:$ If $x>3$, which of the following is equivalent to $\frac{x-3}{ \frac{1}{x+2}-\frac{1}{2x-1} }$?

$Q_{24}:$ If $x > 0$ and $y > 0 $, which of the following is equivalent to $\frac{ \frac{1}{x}-\frac{1}{y} }{\frac{1}{x^{2}}-\frac{1}{y^{2}}}$ ?

$Q_{25}:$ If $\frac{9r}{r-2}-\frac{5r+8}{r-2}=6$, what is the value of $r$?


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